A car warranty is in essence an insurance cover provided for a period of time during which the service is used. What if you trade your car? Several extended automobile warranties are transferable, so they can be transferred to the second buyer whenever you prefer to sell your vehicle. This is spread over the term of your lease, on a monthly basis. If you decide not to buy the car when your lease is up, then you will not be paying sales tax is full. check car before warranty expires is my car key covered under warranty exented car warranty It reduces the amount of your privacy and could be frustrating for people who appreciate going for drives later in the night, whereas this plan seems very good for careful drivers. You can also use it to second hand car for rough use and other things are the insurance that is already in second hand car by the former owner, but in case of new car insurance you need to do. The answer is that the maintenance work, in most cases, will be made by your dealer, you want to support. |